Unnatural Transformation

Ryan Frederick
3 min readApr 2, 2024


Transformation is challenging when it doesn’t occur as part of a natural process such as butterfly metamorphosis. I have started referring to transformation by choice or circumstance as unnatural transformation. Unnatural transformation is what most people and organizations experience.

By definition, unnatural transformations are fraught with discomfort and friction. Even natural transformation is, but one is a choice, and the other is being along for the ride. Humans are in a unique position because, unlike many other species, we can choose to change ourselves and our circumstances. We should not be surprised that transforming ourselves or our organizations is easy. It is the hardest thing anyone can take on.

It should be no surprise, then, why people and companies going through a transformation struggle on the path do so. All of the energy and forces present around a transformation are working to prevent the transformation from happening. Transformation is a powerful word because we instinctively know that transformation requires pain and commitment. The pain to endure the transformation while being committed to seeing it through. Transformation is more than experiencing and managing change, which in and of itself is problematic.

Change is moving from one home to another. It requires a series of events and actions that can be described as to-do’s, and it can feel substantial, but ultimately, we know that once we get through the series of events, we know what existence is like. From a company perspective, it might be like implementing a CRM or changing the sales commission structure. There are things to do, but these changes don’t fundamentally change the company’s existence. Transformation is about becoming someone or something different in the case of a company.

Maybe your life or company is fantastic, and you don’t need a transformation to fulfill your potential and have a different existence. Spectacular! Be grateful that is the position you are in. For everyone else, the experience of unnatural transformation of overcoming your past circumstances and choices means you will be challenged like never before. You will be asked by your new desired personal or company state to become different than you are today, probably in unimaginable ways you aren’t even aware of. Your future state will force you to become what you seek. You must start talking, learning, adjusting, thinking, and acting like your desired future state.

Why do most innovation and digital transformation efforts at companies never reach the finish line, and if they do, do they not deliver on the initial potential? Company transformation is, in some respects, more complex than personal transformation. Someone can track their intent, progress, and discipline in the mirror daily. Companies are complex entities with many layers and often competing political, bureaucratic, and career interests. The incentives for personal transformation can be clear and concise, while company incentives get murky even with elaborate business cases. A business case is not a path to consequential transformation for a company. Business cases around transformation projects get written and presented with flowery language and corporate speak. Still, a business case will never capture why a transformation is needed and what the future state looks and feels like. Transformations are emotional, even for an organization, as they should be. Logic, flowcharts, and spreadsheets won’t get an organization through a transformation. Transformations, whether personal or business, are gut-wrenching.

We are naturally attracted to stories of unnatural transformation because we know, without even knowing the details, that someone who went from being unfit to being a triathlete took commitment and discipline. A struggling company climbs out of the dark hole of failure to find a rewarding future. We love a good transformation story because most of us, at one time or another, must face a point at which we acknowledge a transformation is required. Some heed the call and begin to become someone and something else, no matter how unnatural the experience.

